Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy ref.

Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy ref.

Market Economics – http://sites.google.com/site/economicsofmarket/

It seems obvious that anyone writing articles or doing successful business on the Internet has experienced some hacking of their work. In my case I could not believe but my articles could be “Quantum Economics – Philosophy of The Economy – ………..” or “Philosophy of The Economy – ……….” were totally published on different sides, under different names. Even when these already published by me under copyright articles when parted are out of contest because of their complicated contend well connected to the rest of articles and publications of mine.

In this particular article I would like to clarify which articles are mine and provide links to some of the original publications:

  • The Gravity Would Change But The Global Financial Order Not!
    [News-and-Society:Economics] The Global financial system is so much inclined in the ways people think that it has become the untouchable constant function of perception of life so anything else suggested is considered heretic or even farther totally impossible and generally insane. The “Status quo” principles are: individual countries and global monetary quantities are directly connected to economic growth of a country’s economy; the ways capital could be…


  • 21st Century Global Financial System of Market Economy
    [News-and-Society:Economics] In the 21st Century currently existing Global Financial System lead by US and other Most Developed Nations (incl. China) and managed by the Parish Club, WTO, IMF and the World Bank must change their approaches to apprehend the most recent developments of chronically becoming indebted World, in which except for a very few countries and market as China and India, most of the rest Most Developed Economies as US and GB, Developing Countries as Spain, Portugal and Greece, and Undeveloped Countries as Bulgaria, Rumania and many South American Countries, Asian and African Countries are greatly indebted or very underdeveloped. A Central Banking System is needed to control the global “demand-to-supply” balance by being able to issue capital, instead of the current global financial system which performs more as a “lender”.


  • Philosophy of a Governing Economy
    [News-and-Society:Economics] In contrast to the US economic policies China uses much more decisively economic tools when a situation arises. In many cases when either Global economic crises was on its ways as it happen in 2008-2009 or now when Chinese economy shows overheating the Chinese government does not hesitate to act and to act promptly and decisively.


  • Bonding As Tool For Sustained Economic Growth
    [News-and-Society:Economics] In the modern financial system bonding is requested on large and governmentally subsidized construction projects. To be sure that a project will be executed with needed quality General Contractors and even the Subcontractors are required to be bonded as a precondition for even bidding on these projects. To acquire bonding a company is underwritten by the issuer or the bond holding company.


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy – Quantum Leap in Market Economics
    [News-and-Society:Economics] In market economics economic tools (quantum economics: parameters) are used indiscriminately (not politically motivated but statistically formulated) to maintain balance (quantum economics: grid or quantum quantities) demand-to-supply ratios. Compare to currently used production (based economics that should be using self-adjusting dialectic economics of trickle-down approaches for development.


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy – Central Banking System Policies
    [News-and-Society:Economics] Quantum leap is a possible jump in economic development based on artificial (externally) financed projects for practically financing and loan servicing environmentally friendly projects on a Global scale. Quantum leap is financed by a capital issuing central banking system more like the World Bank and IMF on a very low interest rate, because of the enhanced security in a new Global marketplace. This financing is done and promoted through private commercial banks on very low margin and set matrix.


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy – Banking System of Market Economics
    [News-and-Society:Economics] To get this system practically in action a properly adjusted banking system must respond by handling monetary quantities and over all financial stability; preventing inflation and overall instability. (Here, we must be clear that economic tools called parameters in Quantum Economics are “artificial” adjuster of overall economic development instead of promoted by trickle-down economics self adjustment).


  • The Strange Discussions on Environment Pollution
    [News-and-Society:Pure-Opinion] The meetings for improving the Global environment seem to me more like the saying about “give a man a fish” but forget to “teach a man to catch fish”. Unless someone never lived in a developing country or undeveloped country he will not be able to understand how silly the whole conception of “taking” decisions to reduce pollution and make the World an environmentally friendly place looks like.


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy – Environmental Policies
    [News-and-Society:Economics] Some people probably would suggest I started the conception of Marketism with the effect such economic expansion would have on the Global environment, to whom and anyone else concern about pollution very close of destroying our World this article is directed to. Here, I would directly disagree with the “Theory of Scarce Resources” and this is not because the Global Resources are limitless or somehow are to be enough for the whole population in the way these resources are used and have been used: in the opposite the Market Economics called Marketism is about economic growth synchronized and constantly adjusted to the most advance renewable energy sources and high technologies reducing and totally eliminating pollution.


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy – Monetary Quantities Formulas
    [News-and-Society:Economics] These formulas in a Market Economics of Marketizm are needed to estimate the expansion of the Monetary Quantities in a period of market growth or the shrinkage in a period of market recession. Most of it is quite similar to the existing Monetary Policies of the Present but there are some substantial differences such as the adding of growth and adding of projected growth, which parameters are based on a higher security of Market Economics in the conditions of Globalization and rising Productivity that allow such “artificial” economic adjustments without provoking high inflations.


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy – Social Policies & Infrastructure
    [News-and-Society:Economics] Among other differences between Marketism and Socialism in this case is the market dependence of Social and Infrastructural Expenses which is more pragmatically inclined then the Social and Infrastructural Expenses in a Socialistic political structure. Among many differences between Marketism and Capitalism in this case is the accounting system of Social and Infrastructural Expenses which in a Market Economics are equitable when in a Capitalistic Economics are expenses only.


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy – Corporate & Business Structures in Market Economics
    [News-and-Society:Economics] The fundamental difference between Capitalism and Marketism is the approach toward personal liability of business structures: in case corporate structures; unless the Capitalistic corporate risk management’s very limited liability the Market corporate risk management personal liability is very enhance and is in the foundations of the Economics of Marketism. To limit the existing business specula and market insecurity business laws of Corporate risk management personal liability must prevent “shady” business practices and promote personal responsibility.



  • Quantum Economics and Why it is So Difficult For Governments to Accept it?
    [News-and-Society:Economics] Quantum Economics and why it is so difficult for Governments to accept it? The “Uncertainty” of the Quantum Economics over all seems much more “Certain” then currently used system by the US and other Governments who are pouring money into their Monetary systems and playing with their Fiscal policies: the “trickle down” approach of self-adjusting economics very well explained by Karl Marks is so deeply engraved in their philosophies thus even when billions are poured in Ethanol subsidies,Farming subsidies and through tax brakes and direct subsidies they the Governments call all of this approach anything but not…


  • Philosophy of the Economy – Marketism Verses Capitalism
    [News-and-Society:Economics] With the Globalization and Intellectualization of the Market the “Trickle down” Economics of Capitalism cannot provide functional system for long term economic development; by shady business practices promoting mostly big businesses, by ideologically motivated system for wealth distribution and by inadequate Fiscal and Monetary policies: Capitalistic Economies could not develop properly to expand and envelope Globally. Social Structures of the Capitalism which are well established and supported by ideologies and governments could not reflect properly to the possibilities of the globalizing markets: when these capitalistic structures…



  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of Economics – Law of Dispersing Energy in Markets
    [News-and-Society:Economics] Accumulated or quickly built supply energies unsupported by equal demand in real economies could go up and create economic crisis or be dispersed and build up the rest of the economic structures. To disperse energies of rising productivity the tools of Economics should not be used to suppress it (the rising productivity) but to disperse it into different parts of the Economy where adequate Demand is created.


  • Quantum Economics – Part Three
    [News-and-Society:Economics] The “Parameters” in Iphisical quantities, or so called grid that could balance energies and somehow limit the occurrences of the “Big Waves,” most definitely will vary under different conditions and circumstances. From “regulatory parameters” such as business laws, business contracts and regulations, stocks and commodity exchanges laws and regulations, business ethics and environmental laws are the parameters that lift and let the waves run higher and somehow empower these processes without creating chaos: in an environment of constant changes and motion in such iphysical quantities or grid conditions to lift the vibration and motion up without these energies to set up in motion destructive forces and fluctuations to “functional parameters.”


  • Philosophy of the Economy Part Four – “Parameters” As Tools of Economics
    [News-and-Society:Economics] The role of “Parameters” is to prevent the “Negative” “Build up” of “Energies” in Economy and in these way oversee and avoid catastrophic Economic recessions. The main difference of such parameters to the already used tools of Economics is more practical and purely technical approach promoted by this research and the political and ideological approach used until now by the real Economics.


  • Quantum Economics – Part Two
    [News-and-Society:Economics] Accumulation of Energies by I-quanta in I-gloued Plasma: In I-physical Quantities posses some kind of progressive balance by accumulating energies and constantly changing realities. Hypothetically, part of I-quanta is the Market Supply.



  • Philosophy of the Economy Part Three
    [News-and-Society:Economics] There could be distinguished probably many Current International Levels of Development but for simplifying this philosophical conception we will are allocating 5. It is characterized with growing large empires and settling of tribes: described by the Odyssey and Iliad, also by the Old Testament; and the history of China, South America, Persia, Egypt and Rome.


  • Second Commentary on Philosophy of the Economy
    [News-and-Society:Economics] Monetary and Fiscal Policies; Main differences of the Marketizm’s Monetary and Fiscal Policies and the current ones from a Macroeconomic prospective are the ways the Monetary and Fiscal balances are achieved: when the currently used balances are based on a cash method: Income to Expenses; the new ones add on an accrual method: Equity to Debt. Or the securities coming from the Equities are taken in consideration for the Monetary and Fiscal policies.


  • Philosophy of the Economy Part Two
    [News-and-Society:Economics] A probable historical period when under the circumstances particular individual skills were considered productive for a society or country thus the society or country’s tolerated and promoted such individual competition to maintain internal stability and advance in the regional or international competition. Usually changing CILOD are painful processes of changing classes’ structure and redistribution of wealth thus wars, revolutions and social unrest have been a good indicator for changing CILOD.


  • Commentary on Philosophy of the Economy
    [News-and-Society:Economics] The main difference between the Capitalism and the Marketism is the prioritization of the Governmental policies and following tools of Economics toward Medium to Small Business and Investors instead of the trickle down ones toward Big Businesses and Large Investors; such change is a basic change of the ideologies of the Capitalism and who the Government should represent and promote. But why it should happen and what effect on the whole economy it might have?


  • Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy
    [News-and-Society:Economics] This page is about Economics, Macro and Micro, it is a new vision of how tools of economics work based on Market forces and Intellectualization. The Marx’s and John Lodge’s theories are questioned in their foundations by even questioning the cognitive nature of economic processes; especially when these used approaches are based on ideological or political motivations.

2 p.

EditWhat is Business Exchange Market Economy All About

There is a general misconception that the Market Economy is necessary a “trickle-down” economics of free market speculation and concentration of capital that is reflecting free self adjusting supply of goods and services to a responding demand for such goods and services,

Public Category: Research Reads: 35 Published: 09 / 23 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

2 p.

EditHow Austerity Measures May Bring Negative Effect on the Economy

However, in a pro-supply economics of Capitalism and pro-supply marketplace such measures should work well to prompt investment and affiliate the trickle down powers of capital that would make the economic environment healthy.

Public Category: Research Reads: 29 Published: 09 / 20 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

3 p.

EditHow the Middle Class, Small and Medium Businesses and Investors can benefit from the ongoing Globalization.

As a natural continuation of a number of articles of mine explaining the effects of the ongoing Globalization on different segments of the markets, is to extract the possible ways to prompt economic development into these new conditions of concentration of industrial production by a few countries:

Public Category: Research Reads: 24 Published: 09 / 19 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

2 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Interest Rates

It became obvious that Governmental interference in the Economy was paramount in the last recession to save the financial structures because of the financial structures inability to self adjust by using relatively high interest lending, thus infusion of monetary quantities and serious tax brakes were substituting so called “natural economic self adjusting” of the past.

Public Category: Research Reads: 68 Published: 09 / 18 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

3 p.

EditIn a World of Ideologies

In the modern world ideologies are coming back prompted by the most recent recession by bringing alone believes in the “magic powers” of nationality, economic approaches such as the trickle-down capitalism, xenophobia that overall clicks the “We are better then you are” superiority complex in the most developed countries even when the economic situation statistically has brought down the middle class and has expanded the numbers of unemployed and poor.

Public Category: Research Reads: 114 Published: 09 / 06 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

1 p.

EditRebuff to China’s Economic Model Isn’t Answer for the US

This article may well take us back when the British and other empires were justifying there existence and in the same time dismembering themselves: Capitalism, Socialism lol “the king is dead: long live the king”, however the last “Great” Recession that still works out its ways elsewhere have shown to anyone who likes being objective that the Globalization and rising Productivity,

Public Category: Research Reads: 95 Published: 08 / 31 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

2 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Foreign Relations & Institutions

In short the famous “It is the Economy stupid…” is becoming more like a motto reflecting international politics and remotely vowing how the Future foreign relations will look like. Relations based on purely economic interests of employment, international business and investment.

Public Category: Research Reads: 174 Published: 08 / 29 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

4 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Market Economy

If Market Economy is considered a balance between Demand-to-Supply (in the currently used Economics it is Supply-to-Demand) for goods, services, resources and employment, the most recent changes of ongoing Globalization and rising Productivity have prompted, boosted and accelerated it (the Market Economy) to some new levels never experienced through History by including some huge marketplaces such as China, India, Brazil, Vietnam and the expanding EU and by the rapid industrialization some of these countries are succeeding.

Public Category: Research Reads: 71 Published: 08 / 11 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

67 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Countries and Markets

How Globalization affects Countries & Markets 07-25-2010 13:37 Joshua Konov – economics This is ongoing – updated article/blog reflecting ever changing Global Marketplace and some individual countries’ economies While the markets are becoming more globalized and productivity is being propelled by ever improving high technologies, some economies as Chinese and Indian ar

Public Category: Research Reads: 328 Published: 07 / 25 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

66 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Economics

It is obvious that there are many commoners and intellectuals who find my articles very important and realistic, however these people are not the ones ruling this world these last I believe are far away from the problems of everyday life so they could not and do not like to question the establishment, finally they are the establishment themselves or serve it honorably, so it seems they are to hang up themselves if they attempt changing it and who would like such a thing. There is a great division between rulers, the establishment and the rest of people: it is just so obvious more like a movie: – how when someone is elected by the commoners to become a ruler gets pressured by the establishment and changes his approaches under their pressure

Public Category: Research Reads: 308 Published: 07 / 13 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

4 p.

EditHow Globalization affects Equity

In times of Globalization some economies and markets build equity however some not only cannot use their equity to enhance their standard of life but lose their equity to lack of business that provokes deterioration of equity or at least discount of equity.

Public Category: None Reads: 524 Published: 07 / 06 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

4 p.

EditHow Globalization uses “old tools of” Economics in New Ways

What really differs the most recent times of general outsourcing of industrial production to countries as China from similar occurrences of the past when such outsourcing was done to Japan is the magnitude of the Chinese marketplace, the ways Chinese Government balances market “demand-to-supply” in trade, employment, by using its governmentally run business, Social, Infrastructural and Fiscal policies instead of relying on the market forces only. In the past such approach could bring inflation, shortages and general dysfunction of exasperated

Public Category: Research Reads: 208 Published: 07 / 05 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

4 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Discrimination

Such economic growth succeeded by the Most Developed Economies affected gradually the rest of the world by opening countries and markets to the ongoing globalization and by raising constant attention to the unacceptability of any discrimination: after the fall of the Berlin Wall and after the China entering WTO, after the succeeded economic growth and development by China,

Public Category: Research Reads: 310 Published: 07 / 04 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

3 p.

EditResponse to the Key Issue is US Policies Restricting Trade With China

It is paramount for the understanding of some core disagreements between China and the US on the RMB discount value to discuss the issues presented by John Milligan-Whyte and Dai Min in their article “The key issue is US policies restricting trade with China” point by point.

Public Category: Research Reads: 304 Published: 06 / 28 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

6 p.

EditG20 Why Europe and US Split on Cuts

In the currently ongoing meeting in Canada the fundamental philosophical difference between the ‘ORTHODOX ECONOMICS” of EU and always innovative and pragmatic economics of US crashed to show how different approaches in dealing with the scars of the last recession these two economic powers are eager to pursue; such differences between EU and US are not something new: lets go back in history

Public Category: Research Reads: 187 Published: 06 / 27 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

47 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Currencies & Monetary Policies

With the acceleration of ongoing Globalization market conditions have changed consequently affecting the value and volatility of national currencies. In European Union the euro EUR has replaced many local currencies.

Public Category: Research Reads: 364 Published: 06 / 23 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

42 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Countries and Markets

ongoing-updated blog because the World is constantly in a move.

Public Category: Research Reads: 227 Published: 06 / 18 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

4 p.

EditQuantum Economics

It is about the change from dialectic economics to market related quantum economics?

Public Category: Research Reads: 164 Published: 06 / 09 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

40 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Countries and Markets

updated ongoing blog on changes and developments of Globalization and the ways countries are affected

Public Category: Research Reads: 786 Published: 06 / 04 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

7 p.

EditThe Rule of Law in Business

The Rule of Law in Business From generations the rule of common law does not apply to business in its force and clarity because it is considered contra productive for providing most adequate conditions for business to grow up. Business environment should be foggy and deregulated for economy to prosper was considered. Unless in the Common Law where clarity was main priority in Business Law the opportunism was its main priority. The ideas about the role of “the rule of law” differs: “Not surprising, people disagree a great deal about how many laws (and what sort of laws) are just right. For example, liberals tend to think we need lots of laws to control corporations, to protect minorities, to protect the environment and to provide social goods. As another example, while American conservatives claim they are for “small government”, they tend to want more laws limiting things such as sex, drugs and various personal liberties they disagree with. This nicely matches the fact that the guiding “principle” of most people is “people should do what I want and not do what I do not want them to do.” So, people tend to favor many laws against what they dislike and many laws for what they like. They tend to be against laws that are for what they are against and against what they are for.” For businesses an environment of “do not see do not say” with limited business laws is considered the best. Policies of “easy business” are widespread: “Jun 1, 2010 Cameron announces his initiative for change. Picture: Andrew Yates/Getty In his first speech as Prime Minister, David Cameron promised to aid companies by cutting red tape, improving the speed of business start-ups and kick starting bank lending.” Cameron’s speech reflected the plans for businesses laid out in a new document, which was released last week in partnership with the Liberal Democrats. In the document, the coalition government promised to introduce a one-in-one-out rule, whereby no piece of new regulation would be introduced without the exit of another. It also stated it would find a practical method of making small business rate relief automatic and would aim to level the playing field between small and large retailers, by enabling local councils to take into account competition laws whilst drawing up plans to shape new retail development. The government added it would make the UK one of the fastest countries in the world to set up a new business and would end the ‘gold-plating’ of EU rules, so that British companies would no longer be at a disadvantage against their EU competitors.” Any experienced business attorney can tell you countless stories of corporate management getting away with fraud and not paying on contracts; whole schemas of how to trick the system and avoid legal actions are developed in details: the limited liability of corporate, trust and other organizations are craftily exploited and are examples of this philosophy; countless fake offers on the Internet, through Junk mail or even on TV are coming from happy “honest” executives and advertisers with offers for easy money and immanent success if we buy their product, follow their advice or give them some money in advance. There are some laws that try to curb on such activities of fake advertising and canning promotions but these laws are so difficult to win in court unless multiple fraud is not resulted in serious financial harm thus preventive actions against possible fraud are very rarely taken. However the biggest harm for the economy does not come from pyramids and financial fraud but from general “insecurity” coming out of such lawlessness. When in the past “easy business” could have been positive to boost pro-supply economies but these have already changed into pro-demand economies of a global marketplace, so have changed financing: the narrowing profit margins of the US businesses have Large Capital well gone oversees particularly to China and now India even in case SMB have rarely been finan

Public Category: Research Reads: 272 Published: 06 / 02 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

2 p.

EditIt is a New Reality with The Senate Financial Regulation Reform Bill”

The historical importance of “The Bill” (“The Senate Financial Regulation Reform Bill”) is that the first time in our modern history a Most Developed Industrialized Country curbs on Big Business and Big Investors speculations that actions most definitely will benefit SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) and SMI (Small and Medium Investors) by providing additional security on their savings, pension funds and investments. Until now the US Financial Structure benefited the Big Guys providing them with a deregulated business and financial environment of markets volatility in general insecurity; which “environment” allowed an unimaginable concentration of Wealth into a very few,

Public Category: Research Reads: 115 Published: 05 / 25 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

43 p.

EditNew Reality with “The Senate Financial Regulation Reform Bill”

The historical importance of “The Bill” (“The Senate Financial Regulation Reform Bill”) is that the first time in our modern history a Most Developed Industrialized Country curbs on Big Business and Big Investors speculations that actions most definitely will benefit SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) and SMI (Small and Medium Investors)

Public Category: Research Reads: 155 Published: 05 / 24 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

3 p.

EditThe Gravity Would Change but the Global Financial Order Not

The Global financial system is so much inclined in the ways people think that it has become the untouchable constant function of perception of life so anything else suggested is considered heretic or even farther totally impossible and generally insane.

Public Category: Research Reads: 147 Published: 05 / 22 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

3 p.

EditEU Economic Disarray

The EU is in its worst situation when countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Ireland’s run high deficit thus accumulated Debt created chaos and instability……, because EU had too strong control over deficit compare to US or Japan; by EU policies of stricter austerity budgets.

Public Category: Research Reads: 195 Published: 05 / 08 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

36 p.

EditHow Globalization Affects Countries and Markets

Ongoing – Updated Blog of the consequences provoked from the Globalization on Countries and Markets

Public Category: Research Reads: 391 Published: 05 / 06 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

2 p.

EditSmall Investors Are They the Reason for Real Estate Bubble of 2007

Small Investors, Wall-street and how paranoia brings recessions.

Public Category: Research Reads: 143 Published: 05 / 03 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

33 p.

EditCentral Bank of Market Economy of 21 Century

The importance of this article at the moment is quite high: it may answer many questions about the nonfunctional current Global Financial System and how it should be updated

Public Category: Research Reads: 132 Published: 04 / 27 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

33 p.

EditCentral Bank of Market Economy of 21 Century

Central Bank for Global Development looking into the 21 Century

Public Category: Research Reads: 35 Published: 04 / 24 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

2 p.

EditIn the Name of God

It is more like in the name of Economics!

Public Category: Research Reads: 163 Published: 04 / 19 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

3 p.

EditPhilosophy of Governing Economy

In 21 Century for US to use in practical approaches in Economics is paramount.

Public Category: Research Reads: 314 Published: 04 / 17 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

 and redundancy, and consequently prevent from economic turmoil.

Posted by Joshua Konov at 3:21 AM 

Labels: developmenteconomicseconomyglobalizationmarket economicsphilosophyquantum economics

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Joshua Konov

September, 24 2010

What is Business Exchange “Market Economy” All About

What is Business Exchange “Market Economy” All About

BX:Market Economy

There is a general misconception that the Market Economy is necessary a “trickle-down” economics of free market speculation and concentration of capital that is reflecting only free self adjusting supply of goods and services to a responding demand for such goods and services,

However Market Economy should be a properly responding under current economic conditions system of economics that balance the market Demand-to-Supply;

Based on the old ideological approaches Market Economics should follow the basic economic principles setup by Karl Marks and John Locke of self adjusting dialectic spirals of economic development: simply said, economics of production based economy and market, of high interest rate lending, of return of invested capital, of general concentration of capital by the very few, so this capital could come back as investment to open new employment for the masses. This system performed quite well through last couple of centuries when even hitting some turbulences like the Great Depression of the late 30s any many small recessions and depressions the system still succeeded in establishing a strong Middle Class and overall consistent economic development and growth. But, as it could be observed since the beginning of the 21st Century some processes of diminishing economic power of the Middle Class, some expanding poverty, some consistent Fiscal Shortages are becoming more alike a new picture then some previously experienced economic growth and development.

On a political basis the most recent slow economic growth in the US is blamed elsewhere: for some it is a result of not enough governmental interference on the economy for others it is a result of too much governmental interference on the economy that made things even worst.

However, neither the left nor the right version of the most recent economic sluggishness could reject the facts that the US industrial production has been greatly diminishing by being outsourced or even moved out of state to China and elsewhere, that supported by increasingly higher productivity has reduced industrial employment in a historical significance, and the process of such could not be reversed by anyhow;


There have been many years when the FEDS were fighting inflation in the late 2000s and such inflation never came even though energy prices were constantly going up alone with taxes, Medicare expenses, and insurance rates. The shadows of such “inflation” brought nightmares to the FEDS but instead they should fought the “shady business practices, corporate fraud to clearly hit over the small and medium businesses that were not financially capable to sustain long and costly court cases to get in many cases well earned money; deregulated financial exchanges, financing and banking institutions that used financial specula to clearly deceive small and medium investors; thus the fight against illusionary “inflation” substituted the real fight that was needed at its time the one against the widening gap between rich and poor that helped diminishing the Middle Class’s economic powers. The outsourcing and moving out industrial production, the deregulated financial and other business were well depriving the Middle Class from industrial jobs and investment opportunities, that added to the Stock Exchanges bust of the 1999 and the Great Recession of 2007-2009, the shrinking Return of Investment for the Middle Class, the lack of business opportunity on the US marketplace. Resulted of such economic upheaval especially of the last recession was a massive governmental interference into the financial and business sectors that prevented the market from crashing, and many financial institutions from going under.

However, a lot of the capital infused into the economy through stimulus packages and tax brakes could not prompt industrial production and the following high paid employment, because in first place the difference in standard of life to other countries especially China that has substantially less expensive labor, and in the second place, because of the high technologies in manufacturing that reduce employment irreversibly. To believe that under most recent economic conditions industrial employment could grow in a rate like in the past boosting economic growth needed to replenish Fiscal Reserves and reduce deficit and debt is not feasible;

Thus the role of Market Economics of the Market Economy is to show economic methods how to use economic “instruments” under these new economic conditions to balance the market “Demand-to-Supply” (the change of places from “Supply-to-Demand” is not an error), thus the Market Economics is not anyhow an ideological weapon for some right or left politicians in their “righteousness” but is a scientific (based on statistical information) economic method how to keep economy and marketplace under balance to prevent from violent economic flactuations.


© Joshua Konov,2010

How the Middle Class, Small and Medium Businesses and Investors can benefit from the ongoing Globalization

September, 19 2010

As a natural continuation of a number of articles of mine explaining the effects of the ongoing Globalization on different segments of the markets, is to extract the possible ways to prompt economic development into these new conditions of concentration of industrial production by a few countries: China, the US, Japan, Germany and the new comers India, Vietnam, Brazil, that concentration supported by ever rising Productivity prompted by high technologies and open marketplace creates economic conditions unknown by its Fiscal shortages to many countries, markets. In such conditions the most affected groups are the Middle Class, the Small to Medium Businesses and Investors who are in the foundation of any country’s economy mass employment and high standard of life. Thus, to deal with shortages of industrial jobs and shortages of business opportunities for these “little guys” a new improved system of economics should conceptualize these new developments, recommend and implement the necessary changes to allow the economy to develop under these new conditions. In the Past so called Capitalism and its “trickle-down” Economics succeeded massively in building such economies and markets as the US and Japanese in which rapid and consistent economic growth continued in cases like the US for Centuries; when even interrupted by short recessions the Capitalism always worked out its ways to bring more prosperity by establishing the Middle Class of a plentiful market demand. In Japan, because of  better organization and excessive workforce discipline supported by high education these forces of “trickle-down” Capitalism worked well but in a short term, because since the early Nineties the Deflation and overcapacity has become very difficult and sometime contra-productive indeed, however the Japanese Government has taken and is still taking very precise measures to keep the Japanese market and economy working by pouring Monetary Quantities and by subsidizing exporters, by supporting SMB and the Middle Class, and by keeping the Yen in lower values. What the Japanese have discovered for a long time is that the Capitalism cannot adjust the market Supply-to-Demand balance without Governmental interference, and they learn it well.

However, because of its huge economy and marketplace well developed the US with a few drastic and more technical exceptions like the Great Depression 1929-32 the US never experienced the powerful force of the industrial overcapacity until the time of China entering TWO and of China incredible industrialization and economic growth, and mostly until the last “Great” Recession hit it like a brick, then the US Government started acting by pouring stimulus packages and interfering into finances and business along. The US is very lucky to get decisive and quickly moving administration, because the forces of Economic Upheaval were and are so great that if the Administration did not act so promptly the economic consequences from the incredible Real Estate overcapitalization and overcapacity that provoked huge loss of equity and value in the financial institutions could have been fundamental.

Anyway, what is happening to the US and it could be said to the World already was experienced by Japan starting in the early Nineties for which the reason and the consequences are quite similar, the problem is that Japan was a single very well developed economy with incredible industrial production that could not find enough marketplace, enough market demand to support it, when the US is the marketplace that started losing its strength of Demand because of losing industrial jobs, losing its Middle Class, loosing its Small and Medium Business and Investors ability to access Return on Invested Capital. The system of Capitalism is well based on Industrial Production as a main source for GDP and the following Fiscal Reserves. The system of Capitalism is well working machine promoting Big Money, Big Business and Globalization that works for them: shady business practices supported by lack of personal liability, lack of business laws of contracting, bonding, advertising, high interest rate lending that brings the Capital to a very few, deregulated financial and commodity exchanges that does not allow anyone but them getting to the money.

Small and Medium Businesses and Investors and the Middle Class in such an business environment were well enough when the marketplace was a pro supply, high demand marketplace and thus how 40% of the Global consumption was succeeded by the US, at the same said when the marketplace started lacking demand and the supply went to be on a second place prompted by overcapacity and exodus of industrial production to China that tipped off the demand instead of supply, the economics of trickle-down Capitalism could not anymore provide the economic instruments and economic conditions to deal with such new developments. The Real Estate overcapitalization that brought the last Recession of 2007-2009 was a result of the lack of business opportunities for the Small and Medium Business and Investors that represent the Middle Class, and overall the Recession was prompted by the money coming from them, therefore to deal with or prevent from Recessions, overcapitalizations and lack of Demand an improved economics should be used to maintain the Middle Class, but such could not be succeeded if the foundations of  “trickle-down” pro Demand Capitalism is still ruling.

The rules of the game are to change of practicing Economics and Governments from supporting and promoting Big Business and Big Investors’ concentration of capital to supporting and promoting Small and Medium Business and Investors, and the Middle Class, but for such change of approaches are necessary to change the fundamentals of business laws, contracting, bonding, personal liability of corporate structures and etc. that actions would enhance these entities to stand in courts against their big brothers, and overall will make them more “lend-able”, “finance-able”, the regulated Market Exchanges system would allow these entities to benefit from the ongoing Globalization too.

 However, some additional programs Social, Infrastructural, Financial are needed too that can help maintaining some “Demand-to-Supply” Market Balance nationally and globally by including the Middle Class into the action.
© Joshua Konov,2010

How Globalization affects Interest Rates

As it was well discussed in many previous articles of mine, the high-interest rates of the Capitalism may well be worked out in times of growth and self-adjusting short recessions of a pro supply economic environment, but these are well beyond handling marginal economic environment or long recessions. It became obvious that the Governmental interference in the Economy was paramount in the last recession to save the financial structures, because of the financial structures inability to self-adjust in an environment of using relatively high-interest lending. The infusion of monetary quantities direct governmental interference into business and the serious tax brakes were substituting so-called “natural cyclical economic self-adjusting ” of the past. It became also obvious that the Small Businesses and Small Investors, and the overall Economic Structures of the Middle and Lower Classes sustainability in a longer recession, as the last one, was not possible without such governmental interference either. I dare to question the ability of high-interest lending to maintain adequate financial stability under the most recent developments of rapid Globalization and rising Productivity that brought China’s manufacturing capacity, which added to the already Most Industrialized Countries capacity that tipped off the possibilities for many other countries to develop such industrial production. Which Industrial Production basically leverage the GDPs’ of almost any developing or developed economy in the world. The consequential of this new Global imbalance directly affected many countries’ Fiscal Reserves and brought deficit and national debt almost everywhere. There have been very few approaches against these new global developments: in the US lowering interest rate, quantitative easing, stimulus packages and tax breaks, in Japan same stimulus packages plus financial measure to keep their currency undervalued and export up, in Europe same plus so-called austerity measures to reduce spending and balance budgets, in everywhere else countries and economies deepened in fiscal shortages, deficit, rising poverty. The same economic instruments of the self adjusting Capitalism that worked in the past at its best in economies such the US one maintaining a consistent 20% + growth every 20 years for the last Century, now, under the new conditions brought rising poverty rate, disappearing Middle Class and prompted exodus of industrial production keeping unemployment high and fiscal reserves empty, economies such as Germany average  economic growth of 1 to 2.5% rely for such on their export to China while the rest of EU is in Fiscal disarray and rising poverty rates, others as Japan are using their Monetary and Fiscal policies simultaneously running highest national debt.

The fundamental reasons, at the beginning of all modern days economic upheaval, could be located at the high-interest lending rates practiced by the Capitalism: the quickly accumulated individual and national debt cannot be avoided in a slow growth marginal economic environment, and when such marginal development is becoming consistent the consequences from high-interest rates could be deadly. National and International financial structures, Commercial Banks, the World Bank, IMF are set up to work based on high-interest rates, that keeps many sovereigns issued securities relatively high-interest rates, too. The whole system of financing, lending and even rising public capital is maintaining high-interest rates, the same is the international financing. While some governments are keeping their interest rates very low of lending to large Tier I financial institutions the final products coming especially to small and medium-size businesses, individuals and countries the interest rates are becoming relatively high so the effect on the overall development of these entities and markets in the conditions of long economic recessions and marginal economic development is negative. However, high-interest rates lending is a consequence of lower market security and high risk, thus if lending is to lower interest rates the market’s security must get higher, so the question will become:

How to higher the market security of small and medium enterprises, small investors, individuals, and even markets and countries? Then it comes the Philosophy of the Market Economy: to higher security by enhancing business laws of contracting, project bonding, enhanced personal liability of corporate structures, and regulated financial markets and exchanges etc., there it comes to the enhanced role of Small and Medium Businesses and Investors being able to access global marketplace, there it comes the enhanced role of the Social Policies and Infrastructural Expenses that could balance reduced employment in the private sector. Thus, in the new pro-demand economic environment, the security to the borrowers may go up, while the lending interest rates would come down. While the governments of the most developed countries should play a proactive role to prompt market development and low-interest rate lending, the business and individual entrepreneurship should carry on these new developments.

Joshua Konov 2014

In a World of Ideologies

In a World of Ideologies

In the modern world ideologies are coming back prompted by the most recent recession by bringing alone believes in the “magic powers” of nationality, economic approaches such as the trickle-down capitalism, xenophobia that overall clicks the  “We are better than you are” superiority complex in the most developed countries even when the economic situation statistically has brought down the middle class and has expanded the numbers of the unemployed and poor. It is obvious that people need to believe in their superiority, so they can substitute for the lack of opportunities, or at least the reduced possible advance toward prosperity. In the past Communist Block the ideology machine discovered that if they show trough the media only natural disasters and other negative occurrences in the West their citizens felt much better when oppressed or severely harmed by low quality goods and services or shortages, the mighty power of “We are better than you are” was perfected to even the natural disaster seemingly happening to the bad people from the West, lol., however for many years this system of constant usage of ideology worked pretty well, and the underdeveloped economically Soviet Block proudly presented to their countrymen unstoppable “economic process”!?!

But would not be laughing at that, because right now, almost everywhere with a very few exceptions the system of the modern day ideology works as well as it did in the post Communist Block, such when the middle class is rapidly shrinking in the US and Western Europe by moving down to the poor, when the unemployment is well in the sky elsewhere, when life is becoming much more difficult for more people….. the approach of “We are better than you are” is well adopted by the media, public speeches and policies that just stinks. On the Martin Luther Kings’ day it was very obvious that the thousands of protestors in Washington wanted deeper cuts into the administration subsidies for the unemployed, stop the Medicare for all and bring back “we the Americans are the best” only, however nobody from the current administration called the opposite of this statement. The very strange of this Republican show of unity and power was the obviously mixed crowd in the majority did not representing the few multi billion dollar insurance company owners, neither the very few living in the NW by the lake suburbs of Chicago, thus it becomes very confirming that the ideology works as fine in the Sates among many unemployed and struggling citizens as it deed in the Soviet Union, with a similar cause too. The Communist leaders were promoting the ideas of equality to all but they themselves had the cream of everything: big houses, nice cars and political power to do whatever they wanted to, the leaders of the current Establishment in the US and EU, and actually elsewhere prompt for financial austerity to the majority in believes of the limitless opportunities given by the free Capitalism of shady business practices and deregulated financial structures, of lack of social policies, but they themselves not exercising financial austerity live in big houses and posses the whole world around.


Well, the world of consistent economic growth interrupted by short term adjustments of the past maybe gone forever: with the rapid industrialization of China, with the ongoing Globalization and rising Productivity accelerated by High Technologies and the Internet the opportunities brought by the trickle-down Capitalism are all but not enough to fix unemployment and shrinking fiscal reserves in an environment of “shady” business practices and speculative deregulated financial exchanges, with high interest rate lending and long term recessions?

It was obvious that if the last Great Recession was not attacked by the Governments by expanding Monetary Quantities, by creating stimulus packages, and by constantly keeping their hands on the pulse of the economy the Crisis could have had unmanageable consequences to all, including to the majority of protestors in Washington that were protesting against the very things that were helping them get over the harms of the Recession, which Recession was provoked by these very “shady” business practices, deregulated financial exchanges and economic offhand policies of the previous administrations.


Now, the discussion about “if the ideology works?” should go more like “how much the ideology of “we the Americans are better than everybody else” could fix the economy and bring the prosperity to all these people proclaiming this statements “magic” powers?”.


You can answer yourselves: if fiscal austerity when unemployment is rising and overall growth is under 3% may prompt new economic growth? May be it could, if the trickled-up capital by the very few did not go strait to China, India, Vietnam, Brazil and elsewhere, but instead prompts more industrial production here at home, however the possibilities of such outcome are close to nothing, or may be by reducing technologies in the still remaining manufacturing in the States that could expand the pool of employment an outcome ridiculous by its nature?

No, ladies and gentlemen, none of the above will ever happen, therefore to believe that the less involvement by the US Government in the currently used Trickle-down Economics would fix the new developments of Globalization and rising Productivity, is just incomprehensible. Therefore, even we the Americans are the best in the World, if currently used economics does not change we the Americans may well loose our Economic superiority in a few years to China, or deepen in lethargic semi recessions, or just struggle to maintain our American fiscal reserves, anywhere close to what is the existent-minimum.


The ideology of “we are better than you are” by itself is a pure probe of BS if not supplemented by vivid working economic policies and for such we should go for. The economic intervention by the Governments could be only substituted by a working economy that provides employment, relative security, and expanding demand needed in such ever rising industrial production, which economics is not implemented yet, but clearly such implementation does no through Libertarian economics, indeed.

© Joshua Konov,2010